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Proposed Constitution Revision- Process:

In spring 2024, the executive committee initiated an ad hoc committee to review the constitution primarily to improve clarity and consistency of the language therein.

The committee was composed of five members, Leslie Rand-Pickett, Jane Matthews, Lori Brasile, Sara Concini, and Kathleen Fenner who presented suggestions to the executive committee. The executive committee was able to share additional suggestions. The executive board voted and was approved to present this version of the constitution to voting members. In order for this to be finalized, 2/3 of voting members must vote in approval. NCACE will take an electronic vote the week of May 13, 2024 on the following proposed revision of the constitution:

NCACE Constitution


The name of this Association shall be the North Carolina Association of Colleges and Employers (NCACE)


The purpose of this Association shall be to bring together all facets of the business, government and postsecondary level education organizations operating and/or recruiting within the state of North Carolina which are involved in career services, college recruiting, employment and utilization of personnel. Qualified organizations should have the ultimate goal of promoting and developing cooperation between members; developing a high degree of professionalism in the field of career services and/or college recruiting; promoting research and the exchange of information needed to continually develop the practices and procedures used in career services and/or college recruiting; and providing assistance to the membership in the development of professional recruiting practices and policies.

The North Carolina Association of Colleges and Employers is committed to attaining a pluralistic, diverse membership and providing access to all programs and resources to individuals regardless of age, appearance, disability, gender expression, gender identity, immigration status, military veteran status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. The association encourages the recruitment and professional development of individuals from all groups by continually developing, examining, and instituting policies, practices and procedures.


There shall be three membership categories - Regular, Affiliate and Other as defined below.

Section 1. Regular Membership.

Regular membership may be granted to those whose job duties include recruitment, career services and career development, or training of college students and graduates exclusively for their organizations.

  • a.  Educational Institution Members are defined as individuals serving as official representatives for career development or training of students for an educational institution.
  • b.   Employer Members are defined as individuals that actively engage in recruiting, screening, hiring, and training college students or graduates for their organization. This does not include organizations which provide a product or service to career services or human resource staffing functions or that function as a third party recruiter.

Section 2. Affiliate Membership.

  • a.  Affiliate membership may be granted to an individual within an organization that provides a service or product to an Educational Institution or Employer Member. The mission and purpose of such an organization must be complementary and supportive of the mission and purposes of NCACE, as determined by the Executive Board.
  • b.   Affiliate members may include roles and organizations such as:

(a) staffing or employment agencies, (b) publishers of career education materials, (c) organizations that provide supporting software that directly relates to the operational functions of college recruitment or college/university career services, (d) advertising firms, (e) media organizations, (f) consultants in college recruiting for an educational institution/employer member, (g) college/university faculty, (h) independent career coaches/consultants (i) supervising managers for educational institution/employer members and (j) chamber of commerce board and staff members.

  • c.  Affiliate members are not permitted to engage in direct solicitation or marketing to association members for business development or personal gain.

Affiliate members may attend conferences and workshops, and may serve on committees. However, Affiliate members may not vote or hold positions on the Executive Board. If a violation of solicitation is presented to the Executive Board, the individual’s membership will be up for review and could result in immediate removal from NCACE.

Section 3. Other Memberships.

  • a.  Graduate Student Members. Individuals must be enrolled in at least six credit hours/term in a related curriculum, and cannot be employed full-time in the profession. Student members will be eligible to vote and serve on a committee, but will not be eligible to chair a committee or serve on the Executive Board. Student membership is not available to those who would  qualify for membership under the Regular membership category. Student membership eligibility ends six months after the completion of the degree, or upon employment in the field, whichever comes first.
  • b.   Honorary Lifetime Members. Individuals who are no longer eligible for regular membership and have made a notable contribution in the field of career services/recruitment/selection/employment and to the Association. These members are not subject to annual dues. During each year, the membership will be surveyed to determine who is retiring, leaving the Association or leaving the career services or human resources field.

The nominees for Honorary Lifetime Membership will be brought before the Executive Board for review. If interested, nominee approval will be determined by a vote from the Executive Board. Honorary Lifetime members are not eligible to serve on the executive board or committees.


Section 1. The Executive Board Officers shall be a President, Past-President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Past-Treasurer, and a minimum of 4 Regional Reps (1 Western, 1 Eastern, 2 Central) with a maximum of six representatives, 2 per region. The duties and responsibilities of each officer shall be described by the President.

Section 2. A simple majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum. No official business may be conducted at any meeting in the absence of a quorum. When a meeting of the Executive Board is not feasible, the presiding officer may poll the entire Executive Board by electronic communication or in writing. The vote of the majority is binding.

Section 3. Officers shall be elected at the annual business meeting, shall take office at the close of the annual business meeting, and shall serve according to the terms of their offices.

  • a.   The terms of office of the President, President-Elect and Past-President shall be one year for each position.
  • b.   The terms of the Secretary and the Regional Representatives shall be two years. The Regional Representatives shall serve alternating terms such that if there are two representatives from the region one will be the incumbent and the other will be newly elected. The term of Treasurer shall be three years, with the third year of the term serving as Past-Treasurer. The Secretary shall be elected in odd numbered years; the Treasurer, in even numbered years. The Treasurer shall be bonded by a recognized bonding agency in an amount to be established by the Executive Board.
  • c.   No officer shall be eligible to serve consecutive terms in the same office, unless the Executive Board deems extension of a term necessary due to extenuating circumstances.

Section 4. In case the office of President becomes vacant, the President- Elect shall assume that office for the remainder of the unexpired term.

Section 5. In the absence of the President, presidential duties shall be performed by the President-Elect.

Section 6. When an officer other than the President is left vacant for any reason, the President, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall make an appointment to fill the unexpired term.

Section 7. The Executive Board will have the final decision on all matters related to officers.


Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Executive Board Officers, plus all standing committee chairs who are appointed by the President.

Section 2. The President of the Association shall serve as Chairperson of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. The Executive Committee shall arrange for an annual inspection of the financial records of the Association.

Section 4. The Executive Committee is responsible for all affairs of the Association under the Constitution and By-Laws, except where a vote of the membership is required.

Section 5. The Executive Committee, outside of the Executive Board, are appointed for one-year terms. All interim vacancies on the Executive Committee, outside of Executive Board Officer positions, shall be filled by the President.


Section 1. There shall be an annual business meeting held in conjunction with the annual conference. The notice of this meeting shall be sent to the membership at least 4 weeks in advance.

Section 2. The election of the Executive Board Officers shall be held during the annual business meeting. Robert's Rules of Order shall be the official rules of order for all meetings.

Section 3. Other meetings may be called by the Executive Board or at the request of a majority of the voting members of the Association.

Section 4. A majority vote of voting members in attendance of any official business meeting of the Association shall be binding. If an annual business meeting is not held, voting may be taken electronically.

Section 5. Any action that may be voted upon as above may instead be voted upon via electronic ballot as long as the following parameters are met:

  • a.   Notice of the electronic ballot and voting dates shall be sent via email to every member entitled to vote on the matter at least 4 weeks prior to the beginning of the online voting period.
  • b.   The online voting period shall be a minimum of 1 week.
  • c.   The electronic voting method is clearly explained and allows each member to access the ballot and submit one ballot.
  • d.   Electronic voting results shall be announced to the membership by email, in the subsequent issue of the newsletter, and at the next business meeting.
  • e.   Voting records shall be retained confidentially for one year by the member serving as Past President when the vote is held.


Section 1. Proposed amendments to this constitution will be sent to the President in writing at least eight (8) weeks prior to the annual business meeting. The President will submit such proposals to the Executive Board for their consideration. If approved (as presented or modified) by the Executive Board, the Secretary will email the proposed amendment to the general membership at least 4 weeks prior to the annual business meeting. A quorum of two-thirds of the voting members is required to hold a vote on proposed changes to the Constitution. This vote may be taken electronically if a quorum is not met at the business meeting, or an annual business meeting is not held.



Section 1. The fiscal year of the Association shall be from July 1-June 30. Section 2. Dues will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Executive Committee and any changes voted on by the Board will be announced no later than 4 weeks prior to the beginning of the membership year.

Section 3. Dues shall be payable by continuing members in the first quarter of the fiscal year. Dues for one year will be submitted with all applications for membership.


Section 1. Only Regular Members and Student Members in good standing shall be eligible to vote. Compliance with the requirements of the Constitution and By-Laws shall constitute good standing.


Section 1. A Nominating Committee consisting of the current President, the immediate Past-President, the President-Elect and two regular members, exclusive of the Executive Board, shall be appointed by the Past-President no later than 4 weeks prior to the annual Meeting. This committee shall nominate candidates for Executive Board Officers.

Section 2. Committee chairs shall be appointed by the President.

Section 3. The Nominating Committee shall report to the membership at the annual business meeting. At this time other nominations may be made by any Regular Member.

Section 4. Only those who are Regular Members may be nominated for an Executive Board office. No elected officer is eligible to serve consecutive terms in the same position, unless the Executive Board deems extension of a term is necessary due to extenuating circumstances.


Section 1. The rules contained in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.


Section 1. Proposed amendments to the by-laws shall be submitted in writing to the President for consideration by the Executive Board prior to the last Executive Board meeting held before the annual business meeting. If approved (as presented and modified) by the Executive Board, an affirmative vote by a majority of the eligible voting members present at the annual business meeting will ratify the amendment which will become effective immediately. A vote may be taken electronically if a two thirds quorum is not met at the business meeting, or if a business meeting is not held.


Section 1. The Association is not organized for profit, and no part of its receipts of any net earnings shall inure to the benefit of or be distributable to its members, officers, or other private persons. The Association shall be authorized and empowered to make payments and disbursements in furtherance of its exclusively charitable and educational purposes as set forth in the Constitution.

Section 2. In dissolution the Association shall, after paying or making provisions for payment of all liabilities of the Association, dispose of all its net assets, if any, exclusively to a qualified charitable organization as described under Section 501 (c) (3) and be described in Section 1970 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or any corresponding successor or provisions).


Amendment made to ARTICLE IV: EXECUTIVE BOARD OFFICERS, Section 1, was approved by the NCACE Membership on May 2, 2023, at the Annual Business Meeting.

Prior to May 2, 2023, Section 1 was written: The Executive Board Officers shall be a President, Past-President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and a minimum of 4 Regional Reps (1 West, 1 East, 2 Central) with a maximum of six representatives, 2 per region. The duties and responsibilities of each officer shall be described by the President.

Upon approval of the amendment on May 2, 2023: Article IV, Section 1: The Executive Board Officers shall be a President, Past-President, President- Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Past-Treasurer, and a minimum of 4 Regional Reps (1 West, 1 East, 2 Central) with a maximum of six representatives, 2 per region. The duties and responsibilities of each officer shall be described by the President.

Amendment made to ARTICLE IV: EXECUTIVE BOARD OFFICERS, Section 3-B, was approved by the NCACE Membership on May 2, 2023, at the Annual Business Meeting.

Prior to May 2, 2023, Section 3-B was written: The terms of the Secretary, Treasurer, and the Regional Representatives shall be two years. The Regional Representatives shall serve alternating terms such that if there are two representatives from the region one will be the incumbent and the other will be newly elected. The Secretary shall be elected in odd numbered years; the Treasurer, in even numbered years. The Treasurer shall be bonded by a recognized bonding agency in an amount to be established by the Executive Committee.

Upon approval of the amendment on May 2, 2023: Article IV, Section 3-

B: The terms of the Secretary and the Regional Representatives shall be two years. The Regional Representatives shall serve alternating terms such that if there are two representatives from the region one will be the incumbent and the other will be newly elected. The term of Treasurer shall be three years, with the third year of the term serving as Past-Treasurer. The Secretary shall be elected in odd numbered years; the Treasurer, in even numbered years. The Treasurer shall be bonded by a recognized bonding agency in an amount to be established by the Executive Committee.

Amendment Made to ARTICLE IV: EXECUTIVE BOARD OFFICERS, Section 3-C, was approved by the NCACE Membership on May 12, 2022, at the Annual Business Meeting.

Prior to May 12, 2022, Section 3-C was written: No officer shall be eligible to serve consecutive terms in the same office.

Upon approval of the amendment on May 12, 2022, Article IV, Section 3-C: No officer shall be eligible to serve consecutive terms in the same office, unless the executive board deems extension of a term due to extenuating circumstances.

Updated: March 6, 2024

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